Good afternoon holistic healers,
I had another blog some time ago, however, I've decided to start fresh and focus on health and wellness. I am a 33 year old from New England. My health journey started when I was born, always a sick baby and child.
At age 7, I was diagnosed with celiac disease. When I was about 12 years old I had a horrific horse back riding accident, which left me with my first heal trauma, a broken nose, no skin on my front or backside, tissue damage, and an injured left knee. From this accident I developed PTSD and later an eating disorder. I went though dark times from the ages of 12-30.
At 15 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, and around that time I was also diagnosed with endometriosis and irritable bowl syndrome. Just a year or so after that, I was in another traumatic accident and got a traumatic brain injury. From this, my PTSD was re-triggered, and my entire life changed. Life for me seemed to stop, I had to learn how to be me again. I lost all my confidence, and at points, my will to live. From this accident I still suffer migraines, which most likely will never completely go away.
Some years later in my 20's they found degenerative disc disease, and degenerative arthritis in my knees and ankles. Through all of this, I still get up every day, I smile, I find the good in life, love, and living.
I have learned over time to love myself again, to trust myself, and more importantly to advocate for myself. I found a new confidence, and have found acceptance around my health and lifestyle. More recently I started having increased digestive issues, my medical team is still searching for answers, but I decided to take things into my own hands, hence, half holistic living was born.
I hope you will follow me, learn with me, and grow with me, and even connect and get something out of my story and journey.
Half Holistic Living
